8. Skin Things (Slighlty graphic picture!)


Boson is continuing to improve, to the point that he now has more about him than before he became ill!
His dose of Prednisolone has now been reduced to 1 1/2 tablets (7.5mg) every other day, and with the reduction comes the welcome reduction of side effects. He is still at the point of starvation from an appetite perspective, but isn't as thirsty. The steroid belly has almost gone, and his muscles are developing nicely, mainly due to the energy he has now! Walks are long again, and we have a job tiring him out! He hasn't needed anything to help his stomach for a few weeks too!

We have noticed that Boson has sprung up what look like acne spots. He knocked the top off one, so I gave it a gentle squeeze, and its was a hard ball that came out. Very much like a salivary gland stone, calcium deposits under the skin (calcinosis cutis). He has an appointment tomorrow to have the vet cast an eye over them. Maybe there's something we can give to prevent more and treat the ones he has.

One of the spots-

The neurologist wants to repeat the spinal fluid samples in a few weeks time. I'm not really sure of the benefits of this as an anaesthetic can be a trigger for a relapse. That's something else I will have to do a bit of research on!

I am still a bit stunned at the progress he has made, considering how poorly he was. He's a brave (or maybe just stubborn!) boy who has battled through a condition that we know little about..
Thank you for all your well wishes and kind words, he gets a belly rub for every one!

Lynn and Boson x
