3. Not a good day.

Boson had been progressing well. He was eating, playing, going for walks, albeit at a slower pace (apart from the eating!).

Today he seemed more subdued and lethargic than be had been. He was eating, but was sick, then slept. When he started to clench his teeth til they squeaked, I got worried. Relapses can happen when the steroids start to be reduced, we are 5 days after the first reduced dose.

I drove him to the emergency vet (the specialist centre who are treating him), but she wasn't worried enough to admit him, gave him a painkiller and anti sickness jab. 
They are going to get the Neurologist to ring me in the morning, hopefully we can have a chat about reducing the prednisolone more slowly.
I am trying not to panic at every little thing, but it's hard, knowing that relapses can happen quickly. Boson is sleeping deeply after his dinner, hopefully he's comfortable.
We will see what tomorrow brings.

Lynn and Boson x
