7. The Puppy is almost back!

Since my last post things are just getting better!

The dose of Prednisolone has now been reduced to 3 tablets (15mg) every other day. This seems to have resulted in Boson being a lot more like his old self! He's been tearing around the living room with his toys, barking at and chasing the lawn mower and is wagging his tail excitedly when we return home! It is such a relief to see his cheeky and mischievous side returning!

Also his bowel movements are much better too, and no more paint stripping farts!! A tweak to his diet and the supplements seem to be doing the job! The massively bloated steroid belly doesn't look quite so big now either, and the intense thirst has also subsided.

Boson feels more substantial too, less like I will break him if I stroke him too hard! I am going to get him weighed again tomorrow, but I would say another kilo on! He still has very little muscle in his hind quarters, and hills are hard work, but this should recover over time.

All in all, Boson is making steady progress now. He doesn't need to see the neurologist until November, when they will repeat his CSF (Cerebro-spinal Fluid - spinal tap). I am nervous at the thought of this as relapses can happen after an anaesthetic. But its a little way off, so trying not to think about it yet!

And |I am still undecided on the CBD oil!!

Thanks again for reading, and please share his story on any and all social media platforms, with friends and family, and anyone who will listen! The more people who know about it, the better!

Lynn and Boson x
